PEN 发表于 2019-5-4 03:44:08

Delta Computer Systems为贸易展览设计,组装和控制六自由度平台。

六自由度平台由我们的一位机械工程师使用(Solid Works)设计。铝的制造是由另一家公司完成的。最终组装在Delta Computer Systems完成。

六自由度平台使用6个小型液压缸,内置模拟反馈传感器。有6星级伺服阀。即使我们得到了很多优惠,这些也很昂贵。控制器是RMC200。 RMC200正在进行所有控制。笔记本电脑用于编程和监控。

机械工程师编写了程序,告诉平台移动速度和速度。我写了程序的一部分,将X,Y,Z,alpha,beta,gamma转换为柱面位置。我们提供了我写给客户的代码。这使编程变得容易。使用(Solid Works)可以轻松确定关节位置的位置。
文件大小30 MB

数字液压 发表于 2019-5-4 14:31:39


PEN 发表于 2019-5-5 05:27:01

SolidWorks仅用于确定初始坐标系。 位置0,0,0,0,0,0位于液压缸运动范围的中间。
每个液压缸的连接点必须在3D空间中已知。 圆柱体延伸由sqrt((x1-x0)^ 2,(y1-y0)^ 2 +(z1-z0)^ 2确定。 x1,y1,z1是气缸杆的顶端。 x0,y0,z0是圆柱底端的坐标。 运行时底部坐标是固定的。 每次下载新的x,y,z,alpha,beta,gamma数据时,必须计算顶部坐标。 这是使用第12页中的公式完成的

854619267 发表于 2019-5-5 09:43:38

Hello Mr. PEN, I have been paying attention to the rmc controller recently. I want to use the rmc controller to control the displacement of the servo cylinder. There is a problem makes me confused, speed feedforward and acceleration feedforward methods are implemented in the pid loop,do i need additional speed sensor and acceleration sensor?

PEN 发表于 2019-5-5 10:41:08

前馈不需要反馈。 前馈是开环增益,可估算正确的控制输出

然而,闭环控制需要位置反馈。 确定模型也是如此。

(位置(n) - 位置(n-1))mm / 0.001s
(位置(N)-2 *位(n-1)+位置(N-2))毫米/(0.001S)^ 2

观看这些视频。 我们已经轻松优化了控制器的收益。

PEN 发表于 2019-5-7 06:00:07



PEN 发表于 2019-5-15 10:39:43

有人告诉我,Star Hydraulic Servo Technology喜欢我们的六自由度平台。 Star希望复制我们的设计,因为它使用六星级伺服阀,而且它相对较小,因此对贸易展有利。

I was told that Star Hydraulic Servo Technology liked our six degree of freedom platform.Star wants to copy our design because it uses six Star servo valves and it is relatively small so it is good for trade shows.

控制咋就学不好 发表于 2019-5-28 13:45:13

I like your six degree of freedom platform, it is wonderful

PEN 发表于 2019-7-10 02:36:15




问题出现了,如何判断运动是否精确?我发布了一个视频链接,显示了人们在评估六自由度平台时应该寻找的内容。视频的第一部分显示了所有六个气缸的目标位置。很容易看出动作是平滑的。 RMC使用五阶目标发生器计算从当前位置,速度和加速度到下一个位置,速度和加速度的平滑轨迹。位置,速度和加速度必须在每个点匹配。但是,在视频中我只显示了平滑的实际位置。



The video shown above shows a six degree of freedom platform in motion. The video above was made while I was not present. When I saw the video, the first questions I had is do any hydraulic cylinders bind it bind and are the trajectories smooth? I did my own tests. My video shows the results.

It is very important that the trajectories of all the hydraulic cylinder be smooth.Usually the x, y, z, α, β, and γ are downloaded from a flight, submarine or car simulator.These values are downloaded every 33 to 40 milliseconds depending on the country. Simple controls software will simply calculate new positions and the machine will try to jump to the new positions.This happens because there is no motion planning between the 33 or 40 milliseconds. The platform will vibrate.There is no effort to calculate smooth positions every millisecond between the new positions and angles.

Calculating smooth trajectories also requires knowing the precise locations of where the cylinders are connected to the platform.Without this precise information, it is impossible to make precise trajectories.

The question arises, how does one determine if the motion is precise? I have posted a link to a video that shows what people should look for when evaluating a six degree of freedom platform.The first part of the video shows the target position of all six cylinders. It is easy to see that the motion is smooth.The RMC calculates a smooth trajectory from the current position, velocity and acceleration to the next position, velocity and acceleration using a fifth order target generator. The position, velocity and acceleration must match at every point.However, in the video I only show the smooth actual positions.

The last part of the video is critical.It shows the error between the target and actual positions. This shows two very important details. The tuning is very close to perfect.The motion trajectories are perfect.If the motion profiles are not perfect or the tuning is not perfect, one or more hydraulic cylinders will bind and cause a following error.However, one can see the following errors is very small.   It is due to the fact the position feedback is analog so there is noise.The other thing to notice is that there is a small error due to high friction when changing directions.

When looking at six degree of freedom platforms one should always ask about how smooth the motion profile is between downloaded points.One should also ask about following error because that will indicate where is a problem with tuning or the algorithm that computes trajectories.

DELTAMOTION-USA 发表于 2019-7-10 04:22:11

Delta's 6DOF demo station in our lab. The height from bottom to top plate with Delta logo is about 55cm.
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