新年好 发表于 2022-2-28 09:45:48



yolag 发表于 2023-7-27 13:34:29


PEN 发表于 2023-8-3 03:14:31

通常蓄能器压力应约为系统压力的90%。 这样,气体体积将占据蓄能器体积的大部分,但储存能量的是气体。 问题是这会在蓄能器中留下很少的油。 必须做的是计算蓄能器中将使用多少油并将其乘以 13.8 以获得蓄能器尺寸。

Normally the accumulator pressure should be about 90% of the system pressure. This way the gas volume will occupy much of the accumulator volume, but it is the gas that stores the energy.The problem is that this can leave little oil in the accumulator.What must be done is to calculate how much oil will be used from the accumulator and multiply that by 13.8 to get the accumulator size.
I have a program that does all the calculations and simulations for me.

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查看完整版本: 伺服系统蓄能器问题