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 楼主| 发表于 2019-7-1 04:27:49 | 显示全部楼层
Gc(s)= Ki / s + Kp


(s +α)^ 2 *((s +α)^ 2 +β^ 2)是期望的特征方程。
(K * Ki *ω^ 2 + K * Kp *ω^ 2 * s + 2 *ζ*ω* s ^ 3 +ω** 2 * s ^ 2 + s ^ 4)是实际特征方程

(s +α)^ 2 *((s +α)^ 2 +β^ 2)=(K * Ki *ω^ 2 + K * Kp *ω^ 2 * s + 2 *ζ*ω* s ^ 3 +ω** 2 * s ^ 2 + s ^ 4)

α是所有闭环极点的实部。这意味着误差将作为exp(-α* t)的函数衰减。你填写发现α=ζ*ω/ 2!这意味着最佳响应由液压和机械设计决定。


Adding the integrator.
The transfer function for PI control is
Gc(s)=Ki/s + Kp
Notice that the integrator gain is divided by s.
Multiplying by s differentiates.
Dividing by s integrates.
PI control has two problems:
1. the integrator will windup and cause the actual position to overshoot unless feed forwards are used.
2. It is impossible to place all the poles in the area of nice stability unless the open loop damping factor is very high.

PI control results in a closed loop transfer function with two real poles and two complex poles.  The best results seem to occur when the desired characteristic equation places all the poles as far away from the imaginary axis as possible. This usually means the characteristic equation should look like

(s+α)^2*((s+α)^2+β^2) is the desired characteristic equation.
(K*Ki*ω^2 + K*Kp*ω^2*s + 2*ζ*ω*s^3 + ω**2*s^2 + s^4) is the actual characteristic equation

Solve for Ki, Kp, α, and β.
(s+α)^2*((s+α)^2+β^2)= (K*Ki*ω^2 + K*Kp*ω^2*s + 2*ζ*ω*s^3 + ω**2*s^2 + s^4)

α is the real part of all the closed loop poles.  This means the errors will decay as a function of exp(-α*t). You fill find that α = ζ*ω/2!  This means that optimal response is determined by the hydraulic and mechanical design.

Adding the integrator adds another closed loop pole so now there are 4 poles.  This is like waiting at the stop light with 4 cars ahead of you instead of 3.

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发表于 2019-7-1 07:31:14 | 显示全部楼层

PI control has two problems:
1. the integrator will windup and cause the actual position to overshoot unless feed forwards are used.

1        因为没有前馈,误差大,所以i作用强烈,导致超调?

α is the real part of all the closed loop poles.  This means the errors will decay as a function of exp(-α*t). You fill find that α = ζ*ω/2!  This means that optimal response is determined by the hydraulic and mechanical design.

2. It is impossible to place all the poles in the area of nice stability unless the open loop damping factor is very high.

α=ζ*ω/ 2,误差将按exp(-α* t)的函数衰减。
通常容易理解的是:固有频率高,系统响应快; 阻尼系数高,系统稳定。

积分有一个单独极点,好像与s在 (Ki/s)分母中有关。
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 楼主| 发表于 2019-7-1 08:11:57 | 显示全部楼层


A low damping factor makes the system hard to stabilize.
However, the damping factor can be 0 and still be stabilized if the second derivative gain is used.

You should be able to explain why.

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发表于 2019-7-1 08:43:25 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 蜻蜓 于 2019-7-1 09:27 编辑

PI control has two problems:
1. the integrator will windup and cause the actual position to overshoot unless feed forwards are used.
2. It is impossible to place all the poles in the area of nice stability unless the open loop damping factor is very high.

if   want to use the benefits of integral, you need K2 even more. Without K2, you need to increase mechanical damping and consume energy. Those who look at the subject will understand. The reason is 34 #.


1           Ga(s)= 5/(s*(s^2+2*s+5)
2            Gc(s)=Ki / s+Kp+Kd*s+K2*s^2
3            CLTF(s)=Gc(s)*Ga(s)  /  (1+Gc(s)*Ga(s))
将1, 2代入到3中,求出 CLTF(s) 的特征根方程。
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发表于 2020-3-15 21:04:58 | 显示全部楼层
闭环传递函数CLTF(s)=(Kp + Kd * s)* 5 /(s ^ 3 + 2 * s ^ 2 +(1 + Kd)* 5 * s + 5 * Kp)
分母中的Kd乘以实际速度,然后从Kd *目标速度中减去。简化为Kd *(目标速度-实际速度)
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 楼主| 发表于 2020-3-18 23:02:42 | 显示全部楼层
命令位置是要移动到的位置。 指令速度是移动的速度,而指令加速度决定了达到指令速度的速度。
实际位置,实际速度和实际加速度由反馈传感器得出。 闭环控制试图使实际位置,速度和加速度与目标位置,速度和加速度相同。

这是Delta Computer Systems和Rockwell使用的约定。 西门子使用相同的原理,但使用的名称略有不同

There are three positions, three velocities and three accelerations.
The command position, velocity and acceleration are provided by the user.
The command position is the position to move to.  The command velocity is the speed at which the move is made, and the command acceleration determines how fast the command velocity is reached.
The target position, velocity and acceleration are generated by the motion controller every millisecond using the command position, command velocity and command acceleration.  
The actual position, actual velocity and actual acceleration is derived by the feedback sensor.   The closed loop control tries to keep the actual position, velocity and acceleration the same as the target position, velocity and acceleration.

This is the convention used by Delta Computer Systems and Rockwell.  Siemens uses the same principle, but they use slightly different names.
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发表于 2020-3-20 10:43:24 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 mayseven 于 2020-3-20 10:50 编辑

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