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楼主: 荣埃


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  • 打卡总天数:101
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发表于 2019-5-23 11:03:21 | 显示全部楼层
你为什么要控制压力? 通常压力机控制力。 减压阀不是控制力的好方法,因为活塞另一侧有压力。 如果压力设定点改变,则安全阀响应不够快。

1使用称重传感器。 这是最准确的,但有时负载传感器容易受到损坏。
2.使用两个压力传感器。 气缸两端必须有一个压力传感器。
力= Pa * Aa-Pb * Ab

Why do you want to control pressure?  Usually a press machine controls force.  A relief valve is not a good way to control force because there is pressure on the other side of the piston.    Relief valve do not respond fast enough if the pressure set points changes.

There are two ways to measure force.
1 use a load cell.  This is the most accurate but sometimes the load cell is susceptible to damage.
2. Use two pressure sensors.  There must be one pressure sensor on either end of the cylinder.
Force = Pa*Aa-Pb*Ab

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