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楼主: bobayy


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  • 打卡等级:无名新人
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发表于 2019-1-31 10:07:39 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
1. 最大程度上使用钢管,
2. 使用低磨擦密封,
3. 使用带负遮蓋的阀,
4. 流量以35Bar 压差算。
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使用道具 举报

  • 打卡等级:无名新人
  • 打卡总天数:12
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发表于 2019-1-31 11:45:31 | 显示全部楼层
游勇 发表于 2019-1-31 10:07
在下觉得PEN先生特意做一个很难控制的液压闭环,固有频率特低,大概只有6赫支左右,这正好解析了液压闭环难 ...

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使用道具 举报

  • 打卡等级:偶尔看看
  • 打卡总天数:101
  • 打卡总奖励:315
发表于 2019-1-31 13:14:49 | 显示全部楼层





算法不会使我们的控制器变得昂贵。算法编程一次。使外国产品变得昂贵的是我们的产品必须通过的所有认证。每项测试都要花钱。 RMC控制器经认证可通过UL / CSA和CE规范。一些产品经过测试,可用于石油和天然气行业等防爆应用。还有使用以太网的兼容性测试。罗克韦尔,西门子,三菱,Modicon都进行了以太网兼容性测试。 RMC200最近成为Profinet RT认证。

Delta拥有许多不同品牌和型号的PLC,因此我们可以使用每个PLC进行测试。这使用户可以轻松地将PLC与RMC连接。我们甚至还有一个National Instruments VI接口,用于连接LabView,这在美国和加拿大非常流行。

Delta RMC运动控制器并不便宜。它们被设计成最好的。

数字液压仍然不了解VCCM方程的重要性。 VCCM方程可用于确定气缸直径和气门尺寸。没有VCCM方程,设计师只是在猜测。



There is a lot of effort that goes into making our controllers easy to use and still be able to control the most difficult systems.

游勇 understands.

Delta has four hydraulic systems used for training.   Only one system is easy.  The rest are designed to show how to solve difficult problems.  There is one pneumatic system.  If you can control pnuematic systems then controlling hydraulic systems is easy.  We have many servo motor systems for training.
Our systems are not designed to be perfect.  They are designed to be difficult so we learn how to overcome problems.

This is why people come to us when the system is very big and expensive.  Failure would cost to much so even our more expensive controllers are like insurance.

We also have design expertise that few companies have.   I never intended to become an expert at designing servo hydraulic systems but I had too because no one else would.

Algorithms do not make our controller expensive.  The algorithms are programmed once.   What makes foreign products expensive is all the certifications that our products  must pass.  Each test costs money.   RMC controllers are certified to pass UL/CSA and CE specifications.  Some products are tested to work in explosion proof applications like the oil and gas industry.  There are also tests for compatibility using Ethernet.   Rockwell,  Siemens,  Mitsubishi,  Modicon all have Ethernet compatibility tests. The RMC200 recently became certified Profinet RT.  

Delta has many different brands and models PLCs so we can test with each PLC.  This makes it easy for the user to interface a PLC with RMC.  We even have a National Instruments VI interface for interfacing with LabView which is very popular in the US and Canada.

Delta RMC motion controller are not cheap.  They are designed to be the best.  

Digital hydraulic still doesn't understand the significance of the VCCM equation.   The VCCM equation can be used to determine cylinder diameter and valve size.  Without the VCCM equation the designers are just guessing.

There is another topic about the pressure drop across the valve.   I can solve this easily with the VCCM equation.

I didn't not have time to check the tranlation so I included the English.

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