楼主: PEN

Delta Computer Systems为贸易展览设计,组装和控制六自由度平台。

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 楼主| 发表于 2021-9-13 10:07:37 | 显示全部楼层
打广告扰乱别人话题的正是杨诗祥。 杨世祥没有贡献。
It is Yang Shi Xiang that is rude by advertising and disrupting other people’s topics. Yang Shi Xiang contributes nothing.
你杨世翔的见识肯定比我少很多。 杨世祥还是不懂传递函数。 至于我们做过的项目数量,很难说,因为我不是每个项目都做过,也有一段时间没有做过。 我们只卖运动控制器,不卖气缸。 大多数系统在没有我们帮助的情况下安装。 我们可以通过电话或互联网提供帮助。 我敢肯定,我们售出的伺服油缸控制器比杨世翔售出的步进油缸多得多。 我们销往世界各地,包括中国。
Yang Shi Xiang’s knowledge is definitely much less than mine. Yang Shi Xiang still doesn’t understand transfer functions.  As far as number of projects we have done it is hard to tell since I don’t do every project and haven’t for some time.  We only sell the motion controller, not the cylinders.  Most systems install without our help. We can help over the phone or internet.  I am sure we have sold many more control for servo cylinders than Yang Shi Xiang has sold stepper cylinders.  We sell all over the world including to China.

步进气缸本身无法控制 6DOF 平台。 步进气缸不能遵循运动曲线。 步进气缸无法生成运动曲线。 杨诗祥做不到我在视频中展示的。 当杨涛谈到三角形时,我怀疑你有数学解决方案。
Stepper cylinders cannot control a 6DOF platform by itself. Stepper cylinders cannot follow a motion profile.  Stepper cylinders cannot generate motion profile.  Yang Shi Xiang cannot do what I show in the video.  I doubt you have a mathematical solution when Yang Tao talks about triangles.

步进气缸是由 Zenny Olson 在美国发明的。 杨世祥抄袭。
我已经生成了书中没有的控制算法。 我说过很多次有很多关于液压的书,但没有关于如何控制液压的好书。
The stepper cylinder was invented in the US by Zenny Olson.  Yang Shi Xiang copied it.
I have generated control algorithms that are not found in books.  I have said many times there are many books about hydraulic but no good books on how to control hydraulics.

手动控制很容易。 困难的部分是从飞行模拟器接收数据并将其转换为气缸扩展。 波音公司不使用手动控制。
Manual control is easy.  The difficult part is receiving data from the flight simulator and converting that to cylinder extensions.  Boeing does not use manual control.

不! 中国可以登陆月球和火星。 这不是中国的问题。 落后的是杨诗祥。
No!  China can land on the moon and mars.  This is not a Chinese problem.  It is Yang Shi Xiang that lags behind.

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发表于 2021-9-13 22:18:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Use 于 2021-9-13 22:36 编辑

pen 很激动,因为有人敢说他没有礼貌。还敢说他没有别人搞的项目多,知识面不够全面,因为从来就是他在教训别人,这与霸权主义非常符合,其实不用激动,你传上来吹嘘的几个视频都有缺陷,可以糊弄外行,但内行一看就露馅,比如你轧气球的视频和控制一个连杆的视频都是如此。又比如控制六自由度平台,明明用反解最合适,你却要用正解去迭代,增加很多计算工作量,因为反解的方程式非常难以推算,所以就想找捷径。反解方程实际上不用高等数学,是对高中数学是否学得好的严格考验,如果没学好是很难推算出来的。到了六七十岁,一般早把高中数学忘记了,所以推演困难,能够理解。
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 楼主| 发表于 2021-9-14 04:52:27 | 显示全部楼层

是的,我教过别人。很多其他的。 Delta Computer Systems 拥有超过许多大学的课程和设备。


杨世祥提出了他无法证明的主张。我敢肯定我们的销售额比杨世祥的要多得多。很难用项目来衡量,因为一个大项目可以胜过两个小项目。 Delta Computer Systems 在全球范围内销售。市场世界市场很大。我们的销售额在增加。

步进气缸在 1980 年代初期进行了尝试。他们没有成功。你声称是哪一代没有任何区别。它仍然使用仅具有比例控制的步进电机。没有前馈,无法根据不断变化的负载进行调整。


杨诗祥是不是在骂我假曲线?没有理由。还有其他人在 PTC 展会上看到了我们的 6DOF 系统。是真的。我已经发布了我们在印度控制 6DOF 的经销商的链接。他帮助他的客户改造穆格模拟器。


Yang Shi Xiang disrupts other people's topics.  Rude!

Yes, I have taught others. Many others. Delta Computer Systems has classes and equipment that exceed many universities.

Yang Shi Xiang cannot state how our videos are flawed.
The forward kinematics only needs to find the orientation of the platform at startup.  Stepper cylinders don’t even know where they are at startup.  Stepper cylinders do not have position feedback, so a reset routine is required. This can be a big problem with a heavy load is on the platform.

Yang Shi Xiang makes claims he cannot prove. I am sure our sales are much greater than Yang Shi Xiang's. It is hard to measure by projects because one big project can be worth two small ones. Delta Computer Systems sells worldwide. The market world market is big.  Our sales are increasing.

Stepper cylinders were tried in the early 1980s.  They were not successful.  It doesn’t make any difference what generation you claim.  It is still using a stepper motor with only proportional control.  There are no feedforwards, there is no way to adjust for changing loads.
Stepper cylinders still require many time constants to move even short distances.

It is amazing how Yang Shi Xiang claims to forget high school math, yet he said that generating smooth motion for stepper cylinders is easy.

I have shown many videos where we can do precise position, velocity and acceleration control.
Does Yang Shi Xiang accuse me of faking curves? There would be no reason.  There are others that have seen our 6DOF system at the PTC show.  It is real. I have posted a link to our distributor in India that is controlling a 6DOF.  He helps his customers retrofit Moog simulators.

Yang Shi Xiang is desperate.

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发表于 2021-9-14 09:30:56 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Use 于 2021-9-14 10:26 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 2021-9-15 05:16:48 | 显示全部楼层

此外,程序员必须能够编写程序。杨诗祥说是高中数学。杨世祥不懂算计。计算需要旋转向量三个维度。旋转向量,机器人技术,在高中没有教授。很明显,杨世祥不明白进行 6DOF 计算需要什么。


Yang Shi Xiang is wasting everyone’s time and is disrupting other people’s topics. That is rude.

A cheap controller can send pulses, but there must be controller powerful enough to do the calculations to for the number and rate of pulses.  Yang Shi Xiang ignores this problem.  Again.
Also, the programmer must be able to write the program. Yang Shi Xiang says it is high school math.  Yang Shi Xiang do not understand the calculations. The calculations require rotating vectors three dimensions. Rotating vectors, robotics, is not taught in high school.  It is clear Yang Shi Xiang does not understand what is required for doing the calculations for 6DOF.
Even with this information, it is necessary to rotate around the correct axes in the correct order.  There are many ways this can be done.  Then one must define whether the right hand rule or left hand rules is used.  We use the standard used by aircraft.  Many college textbooks always use the right-hand rule.

Optimizing the controller gains is not hard.  We have software that will optimize the controller gains.  I have shown this feature a few times in videos.
I have shown this video before.
This is a video of our distributor in India.  They help their customer retrofit Moog flight simulators.  We can control motors too.

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